Climate Change
Like you, we care about what’s going on with climate change. It’s an issue that can seem so big that it’s insurmountable and you can be fooled into thinking that small acts won’t make any real difference. But we believe it’s up to each of us to do what we can – to recycle, to decrease our use of fossil fuels, and to buy products that are environmentally sustainable.
Choose the world you want.
Since the pandemic, we know that the way everyone sees the world has changed. Research* tells us that two out of three Australians believe that businesses (like us) should be doing more to solve societal problems in tough times.
The challenges of solving human rights abuses
In the long term, if we are really going to mitigate human rights abuses in global supply chains, legislation is needed. Voluntary initiatives like certifications are not sufficient to solve human rights abuses.
Fairtrade tackles root causes and systemic issues that result in Child Labour
It is estimated that 98 million children work in agriculture, and many of them do not attend school, have little time to play and do not receive proper nutrition or care. Often this work is hazardous and exploitative.
Understanding The Coffee Supply Chain
To stay abreast of developments in the global coffee sector Montville Coffee has reviewed and responded to the 2020 Coffee Barometer article and the 2020 Coffee Development article.
Easter. It means all sorts of things for different people.
According to the CSIRO, the average Australian consumes 32kg of chocolate every year and as our appetite continues to grow, Fairtrade is tirelessly working with key industry players to enable them to source large volumes of sustainable produced cocoa (more sales = more benefits for farmers).