For full-bodied delicious results, ease of brewing, and consistency.
For full-bodied delicious results, ease of brewing, and consistency, we turn to the French Press.
Brew Recipe
Brew water
Water Temperature
Coffee Dose
Brew Time
Brew water
Water Temperature
Coffee Dose
Brew Time
For the perfect brew, we recommend...
- French Press/ Plunger: Perfectly extracted coffee that stays warm for hours in the insulated stainless steel vessel
- Pouring kettle: The ribbed handle provides the control and the classic curved spout adds precision when pouring.
- Scales: These scales are ideal for improving accuracy when making coffee.
Let's get into the recipe!
- Heat water to 94 ˚C.
- Grind 55g of coffee to a coarse consistency. What aromas can you identify?
- Lift the lid with mesh filter off the vessel. (It is the plunger filter that creates the denser and more full-bodied features)
- Put ground coffee in the bottom of the vessel.
- Place the vessel on the scales and tare scales.
- Start a timer and pour the full 1000ml of water into the French Press (there is no particular pouring technique for blooming the coffee. As you’ve poured all the water at once this is known as ‘immersion brewing’).
- Stir coffee with a paddle or spoon ensuring all coffee is saturated and enjoy the aromas.
- Place lid on top ensuring no heat is lost.
- Allow your coffee to brew and after 3 minutes stir again to release further aromas before placing the lid back on.
- At 3 and a half minutes half plunge the coffee.
- At 4 minutes fully plunge the coffee.
- Create different experiences with your French Press by varying coffee dose, grind consistency, water temperature and brewing times.