Children Below The Age of 15 are not employed by Fairtrade organisations

The United Nations has declared 2021, International Year of Elimination of Child Labour. Through our partnership with Fairtrade, we hold this pursuit close to our heart. We want 2021 to be a year that renews not only the commitment but the action needed to end child labour.


Here’s how you can take action:

Keep your eye on the organisation Alliance 8.7 this year!

Alliance 8.7 is an inclusive global partnership committed to achieving the specific goal of the United Nations to end child labour. They are calling on stakeholders and individuals to take 2021 Action Pledges in line with a three-pillar strategy: ACT, INSPIRE, SCALE UP.

1. ‘ACT’ asks us to read about Fairtrade and share what we learn. Here is something we want you to know.
Children below the age of 15 are not employed by Fairtrade organisations.

2. ‘INSPIRE’ asks us to support organisations that are working to end child labour.
We are asking you to support Fairtrade by pledging to buy Fairtrade coffee.

3. ‘SCALE UP’ asks us to focus our efforts.
We are asking you to pledge to buy Fairtrade chocolate and Fairtrade cotton. 

Here is a Practical Guide for more information about the International Year For The Elimination of Child Labour.


Here is why we need to take action:

As a Social Enterprise, Montville Coffee is conscious of how our actions leave a trace. Through our partnership with Fairtrade and alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we celebrate the progress that our producer communities have made. We are also driven to draw attention to issues in drastic need of action.

The United Nations has declared 2021 ‘International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour’ as part of specific Sustainable Development Goal, TARGET 8.7:

Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.

The need to take immediate and effective action is highlighted by The International Labour Organisation’s estimation that in 2021,152 million children are still affected by Child Labour. Around 60% of all child labourers work in agriculture. This includes coffee, chocolate and cotton.

Not all work performed by children is child labour. International standards define “child labour” as work that is hazardous to a child’s health and development, demands too many hours and/or is performed by children who are too young. Usually, child labour interferes with a child’s right to education and to healthy childhood play.

While progress has been made to reduce child labour this century, it has been far too slow. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the level of child labour is increasing for the first time in over 20 years. School closures, reduced incomes and rise in poverty has resulted in children being sent to work to cope with food and basic needs. 

The power of choice is strong here. If we are to achieve SDG Target 8.7, we urgently need to accelerate the pace of progress to eliminate child labour by 2025.

For further information:

Alliance 8.7

Fairtrade and Child Labour

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Buy Fairtrade Products

March 03, 2021 — Lauren Scaroni